Peperomia Hope | Trailing Jade
6cm pot / approx. 11cm height
12cm pot / approx. 20cm height -
Bright but not direct sun
Give them a big drink once the soil feels dry
Diva Scale
Forgiving due to its fleshy leaves
Pot Pairings
No need to worry about ordering the wrong pot. We’ve already worked it out for you!

Did you know...?
This unique Peperomia Hope is a slow grower with round, succulent-like leaves that delicately trail. Its built-in moisture reservoirs make it relatively easy to care for, while its tolerance for medium to bright indirect light means it can thrive in various spots in your home. Just be careful when misting the soil, as too much water may cause rot. Give it a drink every 1-2 weeks, depending on the season, and always check the soil first to avoid over-watering.